On Purpose Blog

The 5 Things Founders Need to Create Marketing Content

Written by Megan Thomas | Mar 14, 2024 1:00:00 PM

When I started in advertising in the mid-1990s, when you "went to print," a new marketing campaign or asset was all but done. Today, the work of marketing, and specifically content creation, is never done.  Content creation is an evergreen activity -- to be tended constantly.

Many business leaders who hold responsibility for functions like strategy, finance, or operations, understand that content creation, either on social media or on the company website, are important to both their business and customers. However, to truly be effective at content creation, these 5 things are needed:

    1. Writing skill
    2. Vision
    3. Time
    4. An executable plan
    5. The right digital tools

Any leader with the passion and the 5 things above can become a content creator, bringing their voice and work to an ever-broadening network, and driving engagements with potential partners and customers.